A global bank’s marketing budget had been on the decline for a number of years, and it had fallen behind its competitors in several ‘brand power’ reports as a result. This had got the attention of the bank’s board of directors, which commissioned Gain Theory to make a recommendation about what it should invest in marketing to reverse the decline and help drive growth.
Gain Theory consultants developed a plan that included four key actions:
- A comprehensive audit of the bank’s historical marketing activity to assess the extent of the decline
- A benchmarking exercise, which leveraged third-party data, to assess the true state of the bank’s brand value versus its peers
- A best-in-class guide to brand marketing to inform future strategy
- Modeling against brand health and commercial KPIs to determine past marketing impact
The insights and results from these four analyses were synthesized to create a series of recommendations: forecasts of future commercial KPI trends under different marketing investment scenarios; a roadmap to supporting marketing over the next five years; guidance for more optimally balancing brand focus activity with activation activity.
Our work unlocked £800m of incremental revenue with our client feeding back that the outputs we provided “have been met with strong feedback at the most senior levels internally”.
incremental revenue