
Version: 29 October 2024

Version: 29 October 2024

These Gain Theory Interactive Service Specific Terms (these “GTi Service Specific Terms”) forms part of the Agreement that governs Customer’s use of the GTi Services described in an Order Form referencing these GTi Service Specific Terms. These GTi Service Specific Terms are hereby expressly incorporated into the Agreement. For the sake of clarity, the “Agreement” consists of the applicable Order Form, the Gain Theory Platform Terms (https://gaintheory.com/platform-terms/) and all Service Specific Terms applicable to the services purchased under the Order Form.


GTi is a module-based platform that allows users to visualise historical performance data, create, plan, and optimize forward-looking media plans, and create full picture business forecasts. GTi consists of the following “Core Modules”, and “Add-On Modules” available to Customers who have chosen to subscribe to the relevant module:

1.1. Core modules:

1.1.1. Reporting: Visualises data and provides insight of historical advertising/marketing performance in aggregate or by more granular means such as by channel.

1.1.2. Scenario Planning & Optimisation (SPO): Optimises cross-channel marketing plans to understand how certain budgeting decisions will impact a variety of key performance indicators based on a given goal.

a) Scenario Planning & Optimisation and In-Channel SPO (optional module) results may differ because of different optimization methodologies based on different assumptions.

b) “Plan Comparisons” is a feature within the Cross-Channel submodule which allows for direct comparison between up to 3 plans.

1.1.3. ROVA: Enables users to measure the effectiveness of their marketing activity by providing them with data science tools inside of a proprietary platform

a) Our ROVA Services allows Customer to access and use the two main components of the ROVA platform:

i) the App; and

ii) the Notebooks.

b) The App and Notebooks components are connected and produce the same set of results, but cater to different user types:

c) The ROVA App contains the interactive User Interfaces that enable users to perform all functionality within the tool.

d) The Notebooks are a connected set of Python Notebooks that enable users with technical skills to automate the work done in the App.

1.2. Optional Add-On Modules:

1.2.1. In-Channel SPO (Optional): Optimises spend across partners to help users understand which allocation strategy will likely yield the best results for a given goal. This add on module requires Scenario Planning & Optimisation (SPO) – Cross-Channel.


2.1 Maximum Users. Customer may not exceed the number of Authorized Users specified in the Order Form. If the Order Form does not specify the number of Authorized Users included in Customer’s subscription, the default maximum user capacity is 20 users.

2.2. Additional Users. Customer may purchase additional Authorized User subscriptions in increments of five, subject to the change request process outlined in the Platform Terms.

2.3. User Permissions. Customer has the ability to choose user access levels.


3.1. Credentials. Gain Theory will issue a unique username to each Authorized User. Log-in credentials may not be shared, i.e., only the relevant Authorized User to whom a username was issued may access the Services with such username. Company shall ensure that usernames and passwords be kept strictly confidential and shall immediately report to Gain Theory the disclosure or loss of any Authorized User credentials.

3.1.1. Okta. Okta is the default method of authentication for accessing the GTi Services when access is provisioned by Gain Theory. “Okta” means the identity provider operated by Okta, Inc.

3.1.2. Default Access. Gain Theory will allocate each Authorized User unique credentials to access the GTi Services under Gain Theory’s Okta subscription, subject to Okta’s standard terms and conditions available at https://www.okta.com/agreements. Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that its Users comply with the Okta standard terms and conditions. Customer must promptly notify Gain Theory of any changes to Authorized Users.

3.1.3. Alternative Access. If Customer has a subscription to Okta, Ping, or Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), Customer may choose to integrate its Okta, Ping, or Microsoft Entra ID account with the GTi Services provided that Gain Theory must be configured as a user on Customer’s account for the sole purpose of diagnosing connectivity issues to the GTi platform or services. Gain Theory may be able to accommodate additional identity providers subject to an additional fee.

3.2. Disclaimer. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Gain Theory is not responsible for, and does not accept any liability for, for any issues, claims or damages arising in connection with Customer or its Users use, implementation or integration of Otka, Ping, Microsoft Entra ID, or any other implemented identity providers.


4.1. Customer and/or its Authorised Users may choose to provide Gain Theory with information such as job function and job level.  Gain Theory uses this data to help us better understand how our customers use the GTi Services.

4.2. Gain Theory processes personal data in accordance with our Platform Privacy Policy. The provision of this information is optional, and can be removed from the GTi platform at any time by the User in the “My Account” page.


5.1. Support. Standard support consists of email support with the client services team and/or support team and documentation provided through the application or supplemental documents. Additional customized support is available for a fee which can be added on an order form. 

5.2. Training. The Services include access to a standard set of training documents, that will be made available to Authorised Users at Customer’s request from time to time. Standard training will be based on a generic sample client and not customized to each implementation. Documentation utilizing your specific instance, live training sessions, and all other customized training can be purchased as via consulting service hours.